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Nickname Zone Name Group Lance Rank Planetary RPI Strength Encounters Victories Losses Draw % Victory Tonnage Lost Tonnage Destroyed Tonnage Ratio Tons Used Kills Deaths Kill Ratio Strength Mod Solaris RPI Solaris Strength Solaris Encounters Solaris Victories Solaris Losses Solaris Draws Solaris % Victory Solaris Tonnage Destroyed Solaris Tonnage Lost Solaris Tonnage Ratior Solaris Kills Solaris Deaths Solaris Kill Ratio Signup Bank Connect LastDrop
7-BOTB (6104) BOTS Elite Free Lance AceAce 44.8426 44.843 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 44.8426 44.843 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 1 0 0 1 3/18/2001 7:34:58 PM 9 None 6/1/2002
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Name Type Abrev TotalTons MechValue mechtons mechname
Victor A 80 800 80 Victor
Daishi A 100 1050 100 Daishi
Fafnir A 100 1075 100 Fafnir
Fafnir A 100 1075 100 Fafnir
Fafnir A 100 1075 100 Fafnir
1 / 1

You are Visitor number 106101 out of 106101 Since 11/6/2023 .

Height (ft) Weight (lbs) Gender Skin Tone Hair Color Eye Color Build Description Photo Intelligence Wisdom Charisma Comliness Strength Aggression Dexterity Honor Place of Birth Planet Type CLAN / IS / IND
4.833333333333333 190 Male Green White DarkOrchid Average NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE 15 5 16 9 6 7 11 10 Earthlike CLAN

Member of TALIBOTS-used to report battles with bots

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