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Nickname Zone Name Group Lance Rank Planetary RPI Strength Encounters Victories Losses Draw % Victory Tonnage Lost Tonnage Destroyed Tonnage Ratio Tons Used Kills Deaths Kill Ratio Strength Mod Solaris RPI Solaris Strength Solaris Encounters Solaris Victories Solaris Losses Solaris Draws Solaris % Victory Solaris Tonnage Destroyed Solaris Tonnage Lost Solaris Tonnage Ratior Solaris Kills Solaris Deaths Solaris Kill Ratio Signup Bank Connect LastDrop
AdBOTdullah (6109) BOTS Elite Bot Lance TopTop Ace 41.4724 41.472 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 44.029 42.7508 42.751 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 1 0 0 1 3/18/2001 7:36:09 PM 41 None 2/5/2004
1 / 1

Name Type Abrev TotalTons MechValue mechtons mechname
Bot-8B1 Daishi A 100 1050 100 Daishi
Daishi A 100 1050 100 Daishi
Fafnir A 100 1075 100 Fafnir
1 / 1

You are Visitor number 95700 out of 95700 Since 11/6/2023 .

Height (ft) Weight (lbs) Gender Skin Tone Hair Color Eye Color Build Description Photo Intelligence Wisdom Charisma Comliness Strength Aggression Dexterity Honor Place of Birth Planet Type CLAN / IS / IND
6.333333333333333 121 Male Aquamarine Coral Fuchsia Heavy NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE 17 3 7 14 10 15 17 6 Lunar IS

Member of TALIBOTS-used to report battles with bots

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