Registry Group Signin Page
Group Abreviation
Full Group Name
Group Flag Color Note Black = Null
Rank Structure

Review the Rank Structures

Group Leader
HomePage URL
Logo URL


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We are taking new units at this time! IF IT SAYS WAITING its yours! Do not take existing units!

Here you may enter a new group and its major league attributes. You may also edit waiting group names and attributes.  Please do not choose group names that you know exist. If you do the newer group will be deleted and planets reassigned.

There are 4 steps to set up the group in the registry.

1. Add the information that you can here. (Or edit what is available. Available logo images)

2. Sign up the leader and as many members as you can at the Signup page .

3. Either Input a new group and fill out the above form and click SUBMIT, or click Edit Mode and choose from the available groups. Be sure to choose a leader from the members of the Registry.

4. The group begins in WAITING Status. Be sure your group has at least 5 players.  You can choose players in the leaders section under SELECT PILOTS. Hit UPDATE. Next, You choose your starting planets. From then on they will have access to the important group functions via the Leader Signin Page Don't forget your password! The group then is ready and in ACTIVE status. It is unavailable on this page for editing and must be edited by the leader of the group.

Further information and help can be requested from the leagues new teams liason Dragon